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1 Great Night With MSG!

One Great Night With MSG!

Too Much – Too Late!

On Saturday (Feb 6th), my family and I were out looking for the Chinese New Year’s costumes for our boys. Our original plan was to be out for the maximum of two hours and be back home by 6pm for dinner. Great plan!

We arrived at the parking lot of the outdoor mall at 4:30pm and thought that we should be able to get what we want in about an hour – Dream on! We went from store to store looking for the right color, right design, right material, and right price costumes! The stores that had the simplest; but nice design, only had costumes for babies, the stores that had the deepest discounts only carried girls’ costumes…and we when in and out of many stores and we finally found a store that had the costumes we were looking for – right color, sizes, and price.

By then, it was already 6:55pm (almost an hour past our regular dinner time) and all of us were so hungry and thirsty. So, instead of driving home for dinner, we decided to eat out that night. Great!

Because we were so hungry, every picture on the restaurant’s menus looked more delicious than it usually did, especially those Deeee…p Fried ones. So my wife and I looked at one another and smiled, “Let make tonight our take-a-break night” (eat what we want and feel sorry for ourselves tomorrow), I said.

Before you know it, we had plates and plates of deep-fried foods on our table. The only thing that we did right was, drinking the glasses of water and some hot tea, prior to eating. By 8:15pm, we realized that all those deep fried foods had magically disappeared; they had all safely landing in our tummies – Touchdown! Not only did we feel bloated, we felt a sudden lost of energy 30 minutes later. By the time we arrived home at around 9pm, we were feeling very thirsty too. Then we realized that we had forgotten to ask the chef to cook our food without using MSG – too late, MSG was already in our bodies.

In order to feel better, we drank a couple of glasses water and half a glass of water mixed with Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (OACV). And one funny thing happened. Supposedly, OACV should taste sour, right? But on Saturday night, OACV tasted sweet (without adding honey). Why is that so? Because MSG was at work – It is a taste enhancer – its job is to make any food taste better!

And because of the amount of unhealthy food that we ate, both my wife and I woke up in the middle of the night and felt terrible. The next day, we experienced fatigue, stomach and throat discomfort, lost of concentration, and our children were more hyper and less patient with one another.

Have you even felt the same way too, especially after a party, gathering, or huge dinner (take-out or dine-in)?

If any of the symptoms had happened to you or your children before, it could be MSG at work!

Tips & Suggestions –

1) If you usually have dinner at around 6pm or earlier, avoid eating an hour past your regular dinner timing, whenever possible. Otherwise, your Inner Junky (Junk Food) Voice will start to take control of your thoughts and become so strong that it could convert your “Want To Eat Food” into your “Need To Eat Food.”

In addition, if we were to eat at about 6pm and shopped after we ate on Saturday night, we would have experienced better digestion and avoided over ordering and eating, in the first place.

2) Remember to ask the restaurant’s waiter, manager, or owner not to add MSG into your food, if they do offer that service. Why bother to do that? Because MSG can trick your brain into wanting to eat more than you need. Furthermore, MSG does come with a list of Free Side Effects, such as:

–         chronic cough

–         fatigue

–         extreme thirst

–         asthma symptoms

–         anxiety or panic attacks

–         bloating

–         hyperactivity – especially in children

–         migraine

–         sore throat

–         sudden loss of energy

–         mood swing and more…

MSG’s job is to make the food tastes good and make you eat more than you need. Its job is not to make you feel good.

Hope the above information is helpful! Feedbacks or suggestions, please email to info@mindyourownwellness.com

Wish You & Your Family The Very Best,

Alex Ong – Bruce Lee of Wellness
Inspirational Speaker & Natural Health Author of Mind Your Own Wellness

1 Great Parenting Lesson

Life is a process: No Matter How High You Rise or How Low You Fall, there is always something important that you can learn from:

Lesson From My Parents:

1) When life is treating you well, remember those friends who have helped you along the way;
bring them with you, whenever possible.

2) When life is testing you out and putting you almost out of money, it is the best time to find out which friend will come to your aid, and which friend will hang up your phone and kick your behind!

“What Goes Around, Do Often Come Around – give others a hand, whenever you can!” – Alex Ong with MindYourOwnWellness.com

Wish You & Your Family The Very Best,

Alex Ong – Bruce Lee of Wellness
Inspirational Speaker & Natural Health Author of Mind Your Own Wellness
To book Alex for your Event or Conference: call 630-673-6268

Alex with Billionaire Bill Bartmann (who would have known that Bill was once almost out of money). His story is inspiring! http://www.BillBartmann.com – Photo taken at the Three Feet From Gold Event, hosted by the Napoleon Hill Foundation – http://www.NapHill.org

1 Fun Stress Relief Technique – “Learn how to breathe like a PRO – Breathe like a BABY!”

1 Fun Stress Relief Technique – “Learn how to breathe like a PRO – Breathe like a BABY!” – from MindYourOwnWellness.com


“Breathe like a PRO! Breathe like a BABY – Through Your Diaphragm!”

1.       Sit down on a comfortable chair

2.      Put both feet on the ground and straighten your back (for best results)

3.      Lower your chin a little, so that you can see your stomach

4.      Simply place your LEFT hand on your CHEST and RIGHT hand on your STOMACH.

5.      Exhale slowly with your lips almost shut and make the “SSS…” sound as long as you can (Without feeling uncomfortable or out of breath)

6.      Then inhale fully and see which hand rises

7.      If your RIGHT hand rises more than your LEFT hand, you are mostly breathing through your diaphragm – Good for you!

8.      But, if your LEFT hand or chest rises more than your RIGHT hand, you are mostly breathing through your lungs and not your diaphragm; which is not as good for you because breaths taken in through lungs only, are usually short and shallow. In other words, you are not giving your body as much oxygen as it needs. Once your breaths become shorter and shorter, you are likely to experience a headache, become tired, or stressed.

How do you learn to breathe through your diaphragm? Practice! Repeat steps 1 – 6 until you start seeing your RIGHT hand rising and your stomach expanding. You will get it soon. Both you and I were born with this talent, however once our lungs were fully developed, we started to breathe mostly through our lungs instead of our diaphragms. All we need to do is relearn the proper breathing technique.

Remind yourself regularly to breathe through your diaphragm until it becomes your second nature, especially when you are caught in stressful situations.

Best Wishes To You & Your Family,

Alex & Family

Alex Ong – The Guy To Call When Stress or Weight Happens To Soar!

Inspirational Speaker & Natural Health Author of Mind Your Own Wellness


Facebook Fans: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Alex-Ong-Mind-Your-Own-Wellness/108961171614?ref=ts

To book Alex for your upcoming Events or Conference: call 630-673-6268

Food Temptation – Late At Night

Food Temptation – Late At Night

(Page 85 of Mind Your Own Wellness – Turning Thoughts Into Reality)

Have you ever noticed what happens to your stomach from about 10:00 at night until about 2:00 in the morning?

Do you usually feel like eating something during that period? Many of us have heard of midnight snacks! Have you also noticed the change in advertisements on TV around that time? They are for deep-fried meals, chocolate, delicious burgers, sausage, and egg meals. They start to pop out more to tell you what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for tomorrow.

Once you are aware of what those advertisements are doing to your thoughts (which is to ask you to eat more unhealthy food than you need, the next day), it will be harder for your Inner Junky (Junk Food) Voice to play with what you will be eating tomorrow. You will have better control over what is really good and healthy for you the next day. Just stick to your game plan to eat right, unless it is your take-a-break day.

If you really want to stay healthy, you can. Be patient and persistent and you will soon feel a change. You will feel lighter and breath deeper, move faster, and your confidence level will increase, naturally. Before you know it, you will be amazed by the changes that your new choices have made in your life.

Quote: “Eat a little healthier everyday and live longer for yourself and your loved ones!” – Alex Ong – Inspiration Speaker & Author of MindYourOwnWellness.com

Best Wishes To You & Your Family,

Alex & Family

Alex Ong – Bruce Lee of Wellness

Inspirational Speaker & Natural Health Author of Mind Your Own Wellness



To book Alex for your upcoming Event or Conference: call 630-673-6268

1 Big Plus About Being Fat!

1 Big Plus About Being Fat!

If I was not fat in the first place, my then future mother-in-law would not have asked me to go for a blood test. If the blood test did not take place, I probably will not be sitting here writing this blog for you! I didn’t know that my cholesterol level was at 288 at the age of 25 (safer cholesterol level should be below 200), until she asked me to take a blood test before marrying her only daughter.

If I did not change my junk food eating habit since then, I could have doubled my size by now or I would have build my cholesterol level to 350 and higher. Worst of all, I could have experienced a stroke, a heart attack, or may be even dead by now (at age 19 – “the second time” = 38).

How can I be so sure about that? I’ve lost my third uncle at age 43 (my father’s elder brother) to a sudden massive heart attack, my fifth uncle at age 50 (my father’s younger brother) to a sudden massive, my seventh uncle at age 50 (my father’s youngest brother) to a sudden massive heart attack, and then my father at age 65, again to a sudden massive heart attack (the reason that my father got to live longer was because he started eating healthier at age 40. However, if I knew what I now know from Mind Your Own Wellness such as, milk, animal protein, MSG, colorings, aspartame, white flour, BHT, stress, sleep, etc., my father would certainly have lived even longer).

Ladies & Gentlemen, it doesn’t matter how heavy, slim, or fit you look right now, on the outside. The key is to start focusing on eating a little healthier moving forward. Eating a little healthier and live longer; not just for yourself, but also for your loved ones too. It doesn’t matter if you are reading Mind Your Own Wellness or other health books, just get started by drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day from now on (how: details are available from my 1/25/10’s blog or email me at alexong@mindyourownwellness.com).

See Alex’s Before and After pictures: http://www.MindYourOwnWellness.com

If the above is not convincing enough for you to get started, think about “Larry King” and the super fit looking famous female singer “Toni Braxton”. Both of them were not fat like I was; however, they were both victims of heart attacks – fortunately, they survived. But not Tim Russert, Billy May, and the King of Voiceover Don LaFontaine – they did not get to see the next day.

Start today, give yourself the freedom to choose to drink a glass of water first prior to, drinking any sugar/ artificial drinks, or eating any unhealthy food. Picture this: drinking a glass of water or eating a portion of healthy food is like saving a day of your life. Drinking sugar drinks or eating unhealthy food is like taking away a day of your precious life, not only from you; but also from your loved ones too!

I hope the song “Greatest Hero” that I wrote for my very giving father can ignite your fire in you to start living your healthiest and longest for yourself and your loved ones:


Best Wishes To You & Your Family,

Alex & Family

Alex Ong – Bruce Lee of Wellness

Inspirational Speaker & Natural Health Author of Mind Your Own Wellness



To book Alex for your upcoming Event or Conference: call 630-673-6268

Picture: Alex with Deidre Hall

1 Power Thought – Take Good Care Of Your Body!

1 Power Thought – Take Good Care Of Your Body!

How much are you worth? When you are at the lowest point in life, you might think you are worthless and start to use comfort food to relieve your stress. However, if a millionaire wants to pay you $1 million dollars for your heart, would you sell it to the millionaire? No! Take good care of your body so that it can take good care of you!

How often do you feel FANTASTIC after eating the so-called “Comfort Food?”

Not once – That I can recall! Comfort food often make me feel good only while I was eating it. Once I finished eating those extra fat, saturated fat, sugar, coloring, flavoring, preservatives,…I would start to blame myself saying, “I shouldn’t have eaten that big bar of chocolate, I shouldn’t have eaten that big bag of potato chips, or I shouldn’t have eaten that huge piece of cheesecake!” – Have you ever asked yourself the same question too?

If possible, the next time when you experience stress, use the following phase to give you a good start: When Stress Strike, Eat Light – Alex Ong – Think comfort food = weight gain and more pain!!!

Best Wishes To You & Your Family,

Alex Ong – Bruce Lee of Wellness – Junk Food Expert

Inspirational Speaker & Natural Health Author of Mind Your Own Wellness



To book Alex for you upcoming event or conference: 630-673-6268

3 Simple Tips – Beware of Junk Food – On Sale!

3 Simple Tips: Beware Of Junk Food – On Sale!

Imagine you are at the grocery store and see a sign for a super sale on junk food. Remember that it might look like a good deal, but buying these foods will have a negative effect on your health. For example:

1)      Now bigger: 30% more unhealthy food for the same price! True meaning: It is time to put on more weight.

2)      Buy 1 get 1 half off! True meaning: Start blocking your arteries!

3)      Buy 2 bags of chips for the price of 1! True meaning: Since your heart is still pumping, let’s weaken it!

Buying junk food on sale basically means adding fat to your body and adding emotional pain to your life. Let us face the facts! The more junk food you buy, the more you or your family will eat it. Avoid junk food sales and start taking control of your health. Minimize your junk food intake if possible or buy the smallest size available.

Wish You & Your Family The Very Best,

Alex Ong – Bruce Lee of Wellness

Inspirational Speaker & Natural Health Author of Mind Your Own Wellness



To book Alex for your upcoming event: 630-673-6268

Buffet, Buffet, All the Way!

Is it worth it? How much can you gain out All You Can Eat Buffets? If you could eat twice or three times as much, do you actually come out ahead? On the surface, it is worth it – to eat more than you paid for. But realistically, you are gaining weight by eating two or three times as much as you need. Unfortunately, the gain is never a profit in your pocket. It is in pounds on the scale.

It will be more fun and pleasurable if your goal is to explore different kinds of food that buffet restaurants offer, or to give yourself a break from your routine meals without overeating. The good thing about buffets is that they normally offer a choice of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat that first!

 A good strategy for buffet eating is to use at least the White Belt’s Eating Formula in Chapter 16 of Mind Your Own Wellness (which is to fill yourself up a little first, with a big glass of water, before you indulge).

 Imagine this: If the water were to fill your stomach up by 10 to 20% before you eat your heart out, you are less likely to gain as much weight as you did from your previous buffet trip, naturally!

 Wish You & Your Family The Very Best,

Alex Ong – Bruce Lee of Wellness – Junk Food Expert

Inspirational Speaker & Natural Health Author of Mind Your Own Wellness



Salad can make you fat!

There are at least two ways of eating salad that I know of:

Way #1:

a)      Get a bowl of salad

b)      Top it with 1 to 2 tablespoons (max.) of dressing

c)      Mix it

d)      Eat it

Way #2:

a)      Get a bowl of dressing

b)      Top it with a handful of salad

c)      Mix it

d)      Eat it

Do you practice Way #1 or Way #2?

 Way #1 is recommended. Way #2 can make you fat because of the amount of MSG, Saturated Fat, Oil, Sugar, Salt, Preservatives, etc…that are added into the dressing.

 Quick tips:

 1)      In full service restaurants: remember to ask the waiter/waitress to separate the dressing from your salad. In this way, you will have full control over the amount of dressing you will be using. If you choose to use up the last drop of the dressing provided – then you know it – it is your own damn fault! Behave better the next time.

 2)      In fast food restaurants: the portion of the salad is usually smaller than the full service restaurants; however, the packaged dressing that comes along with your salad order is often big. Yes, I understand. You have already paid for it; but you really do not have to use up the entire pack of dressing. Just a reminder: the more dressing (fat) that you eat, the more weight you will gain. Resist the temptation to use up every drop of the dressing, whenever possible. 

 Wish You & Your Family The Very Best,

Alex Ong – Bruce Lee of Wellness – Junk Food Expert

Inspirational Speaker & Natural Health Author of Mind Your Own Wellness



8 Glass of Water?

My clients and audience often ask me the following question:
If I were to drink 8 glasses of water a day, where should my soda/ pop go?


After the water! The following is the “White Belt Eating Formula” from the book “Mind Your Own Wellness“: (The easiest way to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day)

– 1 glass of water once you are awake


– ½ to 1 glass of water

Your regular breakfast order

– ½ to 1 glass of water

– Between Meals: 1 glass of water


– 1 glass of water

Your regular lunch order

– 1 glass of water 

– Between Meals: 1 glass of water


– ½ to 1 glass of water

Your regular dinner order

– ½ to 1  glass of water

– 1 glass of water 2 hours before you sleep

Where should my soda/ pop fit in? Whenever your craving comes into play. Just make sure that you remember to give yourself the freedom to choose to drink a glass of water prior to loading yourself up with sugar water. Just a reminder: Water is for drinking, Soda/ Pop is for sipping!

By the way, if your were to drink a can of soda/ pop a day (let’s say it contains 35 grams of sugar per can), how many pounds of sugar would you have consumed in a year?

Is it 8 pounds, 18 pounds, or 28 pounds of sugar a year?


7 bags of 4 pounds sugar – Yes, you got it – 28 pounds of sugar a year.

By the way, sugar is absolutely FAT-FREE!!! – Before you put it into your mouth. Once it is in your body, it will soon turn into fat, if you cannot burn it off fast enough.

Best of Luck,

Alex Ong – Bruce Lee of Wellness – Junk Food Expert

Inspirational Speaker & Natural Health Author of Mind Your Own Wellness
